Varicose veins (varicose veins) is a pathology of the veins, manifested in their deformation and impaired blood outflow. Observing the appearance of spider veins, soreness and heaviness in the legs, it is worth immediately starting treatment for varicose veins, especially since the initial manifestations of the disease can be dealt with with minimally invasive or even folk methods.

The main signs of varicose veins on the legs
The well-known "cobweb" on the legs is nothing more than the initial stage of varicose veins. In addition to it, the main signs of varicose veins include:
- persistent swelling of the legs in the thigh or lower leg;
- heaviness in the legs;
- change in skin color: the appearance of red spots, darkening;
- veins change shape and increase in size;
- thickening of the skin on the lower leg;
- severe pain in the calves, aggravated by walking, a feeling of warmth and burning in the legs;
- soreness of the veins when pressed;
- the formation of trophic ulcers;
- leg cramps at night.
With varicose veins in the legs, therapy should begin as soon as possible.
In such places, the rate of blood flow slows down, which contributes to the formation of thrombosis.
With this disease, the venous vessels lose their elasticity, expand in some places, twist, forming knots.
How to cure varicose veins in the legs
Modern medicine has several methods of treating this disease. The doctor should decide on the treatment regimen, taking into account the symptoms, concomitant diseases and characteristics of the patient's body. As a result, such modern methods can be involved:
- Conservative treatment - the use of certain drugs.
- Minimally invasive techniques. Whenever possible, doctors try to use them for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs.
- radical therapy. Performing venectomy and phlebectasia procedures for varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment
Drug therapy: creams, ointments and gels
With varicose veins, damage to the blood vessels occurs, leading to stagnation of blood. Therefore, at the first stage of the disease, the following groups of drugs will be effective:
- Non-steroidal tablets or gels that prevent inflammation. They are used to treat thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Treatment of varicose veins with these drugs should take place only under the supervision of a physician.
- Based on hormones that have an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory effect in varicose veins. They also reduce tissue swelling.
- Blood-thinning drugs that prevent stagnation of venous blood and the formation of blood clots by thinning the blood and improving its circulation
Minimally invasive procedures
Minimally invasive methods of treating varicose veins do not require surgical intervention, hospitalization and long-term subsequent rehabilitation. Perform non-surgical intervention in the treatment room under local anesthesia. These methods of treating varicose veins on the legs are less traumatic.
On the same day, the patient can go home.
In 95% of cases of varicose veins, doctors use non-surgical intervention, only 5% of patients have to undergo a phlebectomy operation.
Minimally invasive procedures include:
- radiofrequency ablation;
- sclerotherapy;
- laser ablation;
- microphlebectomy.
The method of sclerotherapy consists in the introduction into a deformed vein by means of an injection of the active substance of a sclerosant. It clogs the damaged area of the vein, and the blood moves along the restored channel. Over time, the isolated section of the vein resolves on its own.
Sclerotherapy is carried out under constant ultrasound control. Modern technologies have further improved the method of sclerotherapy. Now more and more often use a more effective method of treating varicose veins - foam sclerotherapy. It is carried out if the diameter of the veins does not exceed 10 mm, such an intervention practically does not give complications in the postoperative period.
After sclerotherapy, the patient is recommended to wear compression underwear for one month to consolidate the positive effect.
RF ablation
The method of radiofrequency ablation is one of the least traumatic and at the same time allows you to effectively eliminate varicose veins in the legs. The procedure is possible with any diameter of the veins. Ablation is performed under local anesthesia, under constant ultrasound control.
Through a small puncture in the vein, a radiofrequency catheter is inserted to the desired site in the tissues located around the vein. Next, an anesthetic is injected, which creates a "water feather bed" around the damaged vein, protecting the surrounding tissues from the action of radio waves. After radiofrequency therapy, there is no need for long-term rehabilitation; already 2 weeks after the procedure, the patient can lead an active life. Despite the cost, this method has the best reviews on the forums.
Contraindications to radiofrequency ablation are thrombophlebitis and trophic skin changes.
Laser ablation
Laser ablation is performed on an outpatient basis from 30 minutes to 2 hours under local anesthesia. After its completion, the patient can immediately go home from the clinic on his own. The method consists in cauterizing the vessel walls with a laser using a special light guide. As a result, blockage of the affected part of the vein occurs.
Over time, the laser-treated area resolves.
Several types of light guides are used for laser ablation:
- end - for veins with a diameter of not more than 1 centimeter;
- radial - for veins of any diameter, coverage 360 degrees.
After the laser therapy procedure, the patient is recommended to wear compression stockings for preventive purposes. The type of underwear and the duration of its use are prescribed by a phlebologist, the price of such aids has recently become lower.
During the microphlebectomy procedure, the surgeon removes the affected area of the vein using special hooks. These hooks are inserted into the vein through a micro-incision up to 1 mm. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
The rehabilitation period after treatment is 3-5 days, after this time the patient can go to work. During the procedure, bruises form at the site of exposure, which resolve on their own after 3-4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks after microphlebectomy, it is recommended to wear compression garments.
The advantages of microphlebectomy include the ability to apply the technique to veins of any diameter and complete removal of the affected area of the vein.
Indications for a surgical operation:
- pronounced violation of the outflow of blood;
- extensive varicose veins;
- severe complications of varicose veins - thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.
The risk of complications during surgery is minimal, but there are contraindications to phlebectomy:
- inflammatory processes in the skin;
- thrombosis of internal deep veins;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- hypertension;
- infectious diseases;
- pregnancy.
In a phlebectomy, a special probe is inserted into a vein through a small incision in the skin. The expanded section of the vein is removed mechanically, the incision is sutured.
In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed venotonics and agents to reduce blood viscosity, it is recommended to wear compression underwear for 2 months, perform exercises from a complex of special gymnastics and walk in the fresh air.
Cycling and swimming are also helpful.
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies at home
Treatment of varicose veins in the legs with folk remedies can be effective at the initial stage of the disease, if you approach the problem in a complex manner, after consulting with your doctor. To eliminate the disease, you need to apply a whole range of measures:
- Give up the habit of sitting cross-legged.
- Walk more in comfortable shoes.
- Introduce foods with fiber into your diet, avoid fried, fatty and spicy foods, additionally take vitamins, useful trace elements.
- Use folk remedies (decoctions, tinctures, compresses, rubbing) to get rid of varicose veins on the legs.
Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins
Ways to use apple cider vinegar to treat varicose veins:
- Compresses. Moisten a bandage in pure vinegar, apply to the varicose area on the skin, wrap with cellophane, warm with a towel. Place your legs horizontally 50 cm above your body, for example on the arm of a sofa. Keep the compress for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Rubbing. After the usual water procedures, rub apple cider vinegar into the painful varicose areas of the lower extremities, do not wash off the product from the skin until the next shower.
- Pouring. The recipe is very simple: dilute 150 g of apple cider vinegar in 2 liters of warm water. Place your feet in a basin, slowly pouring the prepared solution from the ladle onto swollen veins. Drain the water and repeat the procedure again for 5 minutes. After dousing, do not dry your feet, they should dry naturally.
Lotions and compresses from clay
For the treatment of varicose veins, blue, green or white clay is useful, it can be purchased at a pharmacy. Soak the clay in cold water and coat the varicose areas of the legs with the mass. The thickness of the clay layer should be at least 1 cm. Cover with polyethylene from above, no insulation is needed. Keep this cold wrap for 1 to 1. 5 hours, then take a cool shower.
Clay compresses should be carried out in a course of 12 procedures with a frequency of 2 times a week.
A cold wrap is just as useful in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs as a hot one. With a temperature difference, the veins narrow, the metabolism accelerates, lymph is released, which removes toxins from the body. Clay wrap effectively eliminates puffiness and helps relieve leg fatigue.
Acacia flower tincture
Tincture of white acacia flowers helps to treat varicose veins. It is used in the form of compresses, rubbing, lotions.
The tincture has the property of resolving swollen venous nodes.
To prepare the tincture, pour 100 gr. white acacia flowers with half a liter of vodka, leave for three weeks in a dark place. Strain and rub the infusion daily into the skin in the place where the venous expansions are visible. The more often you do this, the faster the normal blood circulation in the legs will be restored. First, the vascular network will become thinner and disappear, and deep veins will also disappear with time.
You will not envy the one who was "lucky" to acquire varicose veins in the legs. Almost constant pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling, deterioration in the appearance of the legs, plus the constant threat of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, do not add optimism to the owners of blue convex venous "patterns" on the calves and thighs.
Horse chestnut against leg veins
The first "doctor" in folk medicine in the treatment of varicose veins is horse chestnut. Based on the crushed fruits of horse chestnut, healing ointments and tinctures are made.
"Chestnut" tincture is made as follows: a three-liter container (you can use an ordinary glass jar) is half filled with crushed chestnut fruits. Both the peel and the kernels come into play. Fill the container with vodka (in the villages it is recommended - good quality moonshine) and put it somewhere in the closet to infuse. Shake the vessel with the future tincture several times a week for the entire time until the "potion" matures. He needs to instruct himself no less than thirty days.
The resulting funds will be enough to use it for 10-12 months - rub the affected areas of the legs daily before going to bed. The recommended course of treatment is at least a month.
Copes well with varicose veins and herbal ointment with the addition of horse chestnut. To prepare this drug, crushed chestnut kernels are taken (in some recipes - chestnut flowers), finely chopped fresh comfrey grass root, chopped fleshy leaves of the "adult" Kalanchoe - in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. In a thick-walled saucepan over low heat, melt the interior lard, heat until a distinct smell of hot fat appears. Dip the comfrey, chestnut kernels and Kalanchoe into fat and cook on a very low heat for about two and a half to three hours.
Strain the finished ointment while hot into a dark glass jar, store in a cool place, protected from light. Use the drug to make ointment dressings-compresses, which are applied for at least two days and then changed to new ones. The full course of treatment with ointment is two weeks.
Burdock against leg veins
Dry the fresh leaves of burdock slightly on the radiator, on a hot saucepan - so that it warms up, but does not dry out. Apply warm to swollen veins with the "wrong side" of the leaves, wrapping the leg well with something warm on top. Leave overnight. There were cases when the reduction of veins and the disappearance of pain occurred already from the second or third procedure. A similar compress can be made with horseradish leaves according to exactly the same recipe.
Nutmeg for leg veins
About a hundred grams of crushed (not ground! ) nutmeg per half liter of good vodka, insist for nine days. Shake the container with almond tincture regularly. Filter the finished drug into a clean bottle and take half a teaspoon three times a day. You can enhance the effect of the drug by using in parallel any external agent against varicose veins.
Use the drug until it runs out, then go without it for a couple of weeks. During this time, make a new portion of the medicine, and take it until the disease finally "unhooks" from you.
Kalanchoe against leg veins
A weekly vodka infusion of Kalanchoe also helps a lot with pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs caused by varicose veins. The proportions of raw materials for tincture are 1: 1. Rub the feet with the product obtained daily for 25-30 days, until the venous network disappears completely.
Wormwood against leg veins
A curious anti-varicose recipe happened to be heard from one grandmother. Pour half a glass of curdled milk into a bowl and pour into it finely chopped greens of bitter wormwood, obtained from about 10 stalks along with leaves and seeds. From this "sour-milk soup" make compresses for the night. At the same time, it is advisable to put your legs on some kind of roller and do not forget to warm them well.
Carrot tops against leg veins
A time-tested folk remedy made from freshly cut carrot tops: put in a teapot and brew like regular tea. Drink whenever you want, throughout the day.
Varicose veins or varicose veins is a disease that is getting younger every year and is one of the urgent problems of our time. If at the initial stages of development the pathology is not too terrible, its progression threatens with serious problems.
Therefore, even if varicose veins have made themselves felt, it is very important to start fighting them immediately, and not wait until the disease takes effect. As a treatment at the initial stage, as well as the prevention of varicose veins, traditional medicine has proven itself very well, so we will talk about treating the disease at home.
What is varicose veins
Before you start to deal with the problem using various means, it is important to understand what kind of disease we are talking about, what are the mechanisms of its development. Varicose veins is a pathological process accompanied by deformation of the vessels responsible for transporting blood to the heart.
Deformation, as the name implies, means expansion, but in addition, lengthening of the vein, thinning of its walls, as well as disruption of the venous valve system, which allow blood to rise upwards, overcoming the force of gravity.
The development of varicose veins is dangerous due to a violation of blood circulation in the vascular bed, which disrupts the systemic circulation, and stagnation occurs in the veins themselves. The more advanced the disease, the more serious the consequences, up to the formation of subcutaneous hematomas and trophic ulcers, the development of thrombophilia. In most cases, the disease develops in the vessels of the legs, since the lower extremities bear heavy loads.
Activities aimed at strengthening the vascular wall
Taking into account all of the above, it is logical to assume that in order to prevent the progression of varicose veins, it is necessary to stop the process of deformation, this can be done by strengthening the vascular wall. Therefore, now we will consider various techniques to achieve this goal and improve the patient's condition as a whole.
Apple vinegar
One of the most common and effective remedies for varicose veins, however, it is very important to use natural apple cider vinegar, and not use flavored acetic acid (both options are freely sold in stores, carefully read the description on the label). The recipes look like this:
- Immediately after the bath, simply pour the vinegar on your feet where the veins are swollen, then wait until the liquid is absorbed, you do not need to wipe it. This procedure will help to get rid of the feeling of heaviness and soreness.
- In a similar way, problem areas can be treated by rubbing vinegar with light massaging movements. It is better to do this not after a bath, but before going to bed.
- Wraps are a very effective method - take gauze folded 2-3 times, dip it in apple cider vinegar, wring it out a little and put it on problem areas. Then wrap your legs over the gauze with a towel, and wrap with cling film on top. In this case, it is better to raise the legs above the level of the body. This procedure effectively eliminates swelling and unpleasant symptoms, lasts about 30 minutes, you do not need to wash your feet after it.
Horse chestnut against varicose veins
Another extremely effective and famous remedy for combating varicose veins, with which there are a lot of prescriptions, we will consider the most effective ones:
- Tincture on vodka or medical alcohol - for preparation you will need 50 grams of fruits cut into small pieces, right in the peel. Place them in a glass dish, pour 250 milliliters of alcohol or vodka, then close the lid tightly and leave in a cool, warm place for 14 days, remembering to stir occasionally. After the specified period, strain the tincture and take 15 drops before meals for 3 weeks, three times a day.
- There is also a remedy for external use and to make it, 5 whole chestnuts and 5 tablespoons of inflorescences of this plant. Grind these ingredients with a blender or coffee grinder, mix thoroughly with 500 milliliters of vegetable oil (sunflower oil is fine). Then incubate the resulting mixture for 2 hours in a water bath, wait for cooling and store in a refrigerator in a glass container. The method of application is simple, rub the ointment 1-2 times a day into problem areas on the legs.
Treatment of the disease with the most affordable vegetables
Vegetables such as tomato, potato, cabbage, which can be actively used for external use, have long proven their effectiveness in the treatment of varicose veins. Treatment methods in this case are as follows:
- Tomato - cut a few tomatoes into thin slices and lay them on your feet in those places where swollen vessels are visible. Then wrap your legs with some fabric and wrap an elastic bandage loosely on top, the compress can be left even overnight.
- Potatoes are the most democratic and at the same time a very good method. You will need potato peelings, which also need to be applied to the legs with the light side down, you can simply apply an elastic bandage on top and do not remove the compress for 2-3 hours.
- Cabbage is used akin to potatoes, but on the leaves of this vegetable, before applying them to the legs, you need to make many small cuts, drawing a knife over their surface. It is also recommended that the side of the cabbage leaf, which is adjacent to the leg, be lubricated with vegetable oil.
Application of laundry soap
Laundry soap is a natural product, which, although it has an unpleasant odor, consists only of water, clay, sodium, as well as animal and vegetable fats. Thanks to this chemical composition, soap helps to relieve swelling, inflammation, even eliminate vascular "asterisks" and prevent the occurrence of trophic ulcers. You can fight varicose veins with laundry soap in different ways, but it is best to make ointments and make compresses:
- To prepare a compress, you will need to infuse 10 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in 250 milliliters of vodka for 2 days (only in a glass container with a tightly closed lid). After 2 days, 25 grams of soap, cut into small pieces, are mixed in the resulting solution. Then moisten gauze folded several times in the solution and lay it on the problem area of the leg, keep it for no more than 60 minutes. This method will relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and also eliminate swelling.
- Ointment - in addition to soap, this recipe includes vegetable oil (150 ml), propolis (100 g) and beeswax (100 g). Initially, grate 150 grams of soap, then pour sunflower or olive oil into the resulting chips, then add propolis, honey and mix everything thoroughly. Now put the mixture in an enamel or glass bowl in a water bath and stir until the mass is completely homogeneous. Once the ointment is ready, place it in a resealable glass jar and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Daily rub the ointment into those places on the legs where varicose veins are visible, it is better to do this before going to bed, and in order not to stain linen or things, tie the treated area with a bandage.
Benefits of acacia flowers
The tincture of white acacia flowers is very popular, which also effectively copes with varicose veins in the initial stages. To prepare it, take 100 grams of dried acacia and pour the raw material in a glass container with 500 milliliters of vodka, then put it in a cool dark place for 21 days, remembering to stir occasionally. As soon as the time is up, grated lemon is added to the tincture in the amount of one piece and kept for another week. With the resulting tincture, you need to wipe your legs in the morning and evening in those places where varicose veins are localized.
Doctors' recommendations
Of course, it is reasonable to treat varicose veins at home, resorting only to traditional medicine, only in the early stages of the development of the disease. But even in this case, before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor.
In addition, doctors also give a number of recommendations that, in combination with the chosen method of therapy, will improve the patient's condition and reduce the likelihood of developing pathology:
- Proper nutrition - it is very important to try to eat healthy food, excluding fatty, fried, smoked, sweet, salty and sour foods from the diet. To improve the condition, give preference to vegetables, dietary meats, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Especially useful for varicose veins are beets, tomatoes, cabbage, sorrel, citrus fruits, blueberries, blackberries, black currants.
- You can stop the disease with the help of special compression stockings, in other words, patients with any form of varicose veins must wear compression underwear.
- Lead an active and mobile lifestyle, go in for sports, it is best to give preference to yoga, swimming, light gymnastics. Exercise daily or find a physical therapy instructor.
- It is also worth consulting with your doctor about the use of medications, because in combination with folk methods, such treatment will give much better results.